Monthly Archives: February 2008

UVic Notes 2: Say Rabbit

The nice thing about being born in the 1980s, aside from the ability to be fascinated by anthropomorphic, under-20 turtles that fight crime and eat pizza, is that I’ve grown up in a time when superstition and general lack of knowledge has been replaced by scientific process. This is why Mike Huckabee has become such a strong candidate. No longer do we believe that dragons lie beyond the edges of the map, or that rocks are edible, or even wonder how they they get the Caramel inside the Caramilk bar. The truth, respectively, is: they live in Bulgaria; only quartz; and specially trained pixie/elves.

Despite this, I still have an obsessive need to have the first word of every month be ‘rabbit’. Whether it be shortly after midnight on the first of the month, or the first word I say when I wake up, it needs to be rabbit. I tend to do both to be safe. This, in the greater and logical scheme of things, makes about as much sense as a Mrs. Spears book on parenting – and yet it still happens. So when I started off February by groggily saying ‘nrrrrggghello?’ at 7:00am when someone forgot about the existence of time zones, I knew my month would be rough. In no short order… I was proved fairly correct. To wit:

  1. I was broken up with.
  2. I had my bike stolen.
  3. We lost our first 4 intramural games of the year.
  4. I decided to give up meat for the duration of the month.
  5. I had an ear infection of epic proportions.
  6. The Leafs decided to make like it was a windy September and blow all-around.
  7. I tried to play goalie during a game of darts… and suffered from an unsurprising puncture wound.
  8. I had an open memo due. (Note: To non-law students and other people who still have retained their humanity, an open memo is a 20-page legal exercise requiring first years to learn how to research and write in a legal fashion. This is, apparently, important if you want to be a lawyer. And I thought you just had to be good looking, drive a nice car and say sarcastic things. Oh Hollywood, you lie to me yet again.)
  9. And so on and so forth.

And yet from the ashes, a quality end to the month has arisen. We’ve won in curling. I got a mark in the ‘A’ range. I found a geocache before anyone else. My overly generous father offered to replace my bike. I realized that I was okay with being broken up with. The sun shone. I spontaneously joined in with a group of random people in the park and we all dispalyed amazing choreography while singing “Tomorrow’s A Brand New Day!” and throwing flower petals in the air. I discovered hallucinogens. And so on and so forth.

So the moral of the story is that I’d better say rabbit in a couple of days. Things lately have been on the keenly side, and I’m afraid to say… but things are looking up. Wait… just got the Leafs score in.



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